AutoMute is a small tool that automatically mutes your phone under specific scenarios.The current version supports the following two types of configur...
AutoMute is a small tool that automatically mutes your phone under specific scenarios.The current version supports the following two types of configur...
Het vaktijdschrift Automatie richt zich al 57 jaar op lezers die belangstelling hebben voor procesautomatisering en instrumentatie in brede zin. Het v...
AutoMute mutes your mic when somebody calls from a private/unknown number. It also has an option to mute all incoming calls. This is used by alarm cen...
Query your account balance and transactions, easy and simple to use! Currently support account types: PayPal (More account types will be added...) For...
Query Commander is a game server status viewer for Android. You can use this application to view statistics like the number of players, maximum number...
A collection of Sql Queries that are used frequently in job interviews.You can use this application to if you want to get ready for interviews, or jus...
Olvídate de hacer más colas! Con la App SmartQ, podrás coger turno con tu móvil en cualquier establecimiento que utilice el sistema, y mientras espera...
GXquery App is an application that enables users to access their queries created with the GXquery web interface and run them anywhere using their smar...
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