AquesTalk TTS
Japanese Text-To-Speech engine.Read translation, navigation and other apps in a female Japanese voice.Works great with Google Translation, Google Navi...
Japanese Text-To-Speech engine.Read translation, navigation and other apps in a female Japanese voice.Works great with Google Translation, Google Navi...
Tujuannya adalah untuk "membangun " kata-kata yang cocok dengan definisi sebelumnya, macam petunjuk teka-teki silang (TTS) . Untuk melakukan ini, Anda...
¡Que fácil es hacer que tu teléfono hable! Simplemente teclea un texto, pulsa un botón y te lo leerá de viva voz.Puedes leer textos en Francés, Inglés...
Speech synthesizer (Text-To-Speech) for Android. Supports multiple languages.Attention!The program requires an active Internet connection. If you have...
Classical Text to Speech (TTS).Write what you want and your phone will tell for you.4 pronunciation languages, free configuration of Pitch and Speech ...
A must have app for every Audi fan out there. This app includes all models made by Audi throughout the years from the A1 to the R8. Each model has its...
TT,最值得学生信赖的校园社交应用。 TT是一个丰富在校生活的应用,TT是一个圈子,是一个能够在最短最快时间内让在校学生的社交需求变现的软件,玩转你的圈子尽在TT。 1.用户可以在第一时间获取本校内所有新闻新消息。 2.用户随时随地可以发起想要组织的活动,组建自己的兴趣团队,也可以随时随地参加自己感...
Conoce con detalle cada modelo de la gama Audi, así como su ficha técnica y su precio. Podrás consultar el catálogo completo de cada modelo Audi. Tamb...
Audi Konfigüratör uygulaması ile kendi Audi’nizi oluşturabilirsiniz. A1, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, başlı başına bir ikon olan TT, SUV modeller Q3, Q5 ve...
Egal wann - egal wo – mit der Audi Fahrzeugbörse als App finden Sie Ihr Wunschfahrzeug von Audi Partnern, Audi Mitarbeitern sowie direkt von der AUDI ...