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WH Macau

WH Macau是澳門特別行政區文化局所推出以“漫步澳門歷史城區”為主題的移動應用程式, 通過詳細的世遺景點介紹、精彩的多媒體資訊(如短片、景點相片、360度全景相片及景點活動) 、及多項互動功能 (如景點遊覽線路導向,Facebook分享) 讓使用者全方位認識澳門歷史城區及世界文化遺產。功能特色:...

eH P™

eH&P™ 4 "custom History & Physical Exam™" ******* iDox™ and Patient-Specific™ H&Ps ******* The most innovative Medical Application Software Program fo...


Fly your Hovercraft like a classic lander by controlling the engines separately, avoid obstacles, collect gems and reach the target before the time or...