ASUS AiPlayer
ASUS AiPlayer is an app that allows you to stream music saved on mobile devices or USB storage paired with ASUS enhanced media routers*, then play it ...
ASUS AiPlayer is an app that allows you to stream music saved on mobile devices or USB storage paired with ASUS enhanced media routers*, then play it ...
Anti theft alarm!Don't worry about having to leave your phone charging unattended! Charger alarm will sound an alarm when your phone is unplugged....
SnooZy Charger is a Power Connection manager. The app turns the screen off on power connection or disconnection, to save battery consumption by the ph...
Are you ready to challenge your memory daily with "Memory Charger" ?A great game to exercise your memory !First it will show you all the cards then ca...
Are you suffering from a poor or inadequate night sleep? Are you tired all the time and need more get up and go? Are you experiencing stress and feeli...
-그동안 서버에 문제가 생겨 제대로 운영하지 못했습니다. 현재 서버는 복구 된 상태입니다.사용에 불편을 끼쳐드려 정말 죄송합니다.HUB-AI에서 자체 개발한 자연어처리 엔진을 사용하여 개발된 인공지능 개인 비서인 HUB2는 타사의 대화형 어플리케이션과 차별화 됩니다.허...
ASUS WebStorage 台灣區用戶獨享限時好康!-免費萬書任你看到飽2014/12/25~2015/06/30期間,超過萬本圖書讓您免費閱讀,內容包羅萬象,包含各式小說、散文創作、健康醫療、心靈勵志、流行時尚、兩性議題...等,只要您想的到,我們都有!自WebStorage功能列中的”萬書免...
Memo Pad is a simple and easy use note book application.The main target is Xperia X10, but it might be also suitable for other devices.*Frequently ask...
ASUS Advantage 為華碩提供給經銷商夥伴們產品查詢,線上學習,紅利獎勵,行銷支援及活動快報的經銷商專屬平台。即日起正式推出專屬APP,提供給您最即時與最便利的服務體驗。本軟體提供的服務包含:1. 華碩產品: 完整詳細的產品資訊、規格及圖片,讓您一手掌握華碩的最新產品訊息2. 數位學院: ...
MyBitCast是直覺上手的記事軟體,在手持裝置上開啟MyBitCast即可快速記下文字、拍照和錄音,直接上傳您的記事至雲端,到任何地方透過Web也能看到。在電腦上安裝WebStorage(Windows版本) 與MyBitCast桌面小工具,所有您於手持裝置上輸入的記事,便會出現在桌面上,讓您可...