asian bmi chart


BMI - v. 2.6 - calculates the Body Mass Index (BMI) of a person, based on NHANES II survey specifications, by entering weight, height and sex. It also...

BMI Calculator

Weight Conscious?By using this BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index Calculator) you can find your waist-to-height ratio and body fat percentage. Know your ...


體重是否合乎理想,通過身高體重指數計算便能知道。身高體重指數(英文為Body Mass Index,簡稱BMI)是一個計算值,能判斷你是否過超重,過肥或是標準。成人或兒童也可使用BMI推算個人的理想體重。本小工具為你計算,記錄及圖表你的BMI。方便監察你的體重在上升或是下跌中。免費玩BMI計數機 A...

BMI Calculator

Simple BMI(Body Mess Index) Calculator. *Feature* - view standard weight - view diet weight for female - pounds, inches support ***What is the diet we...