

~「中日AR」で新聞が動き出す!!!~ 「中日AR」は中日新聞や中日スポーツなどの紙面をはじめ、対象物などにスマートフォンをかざすことで動画などのリッチな情報体験を可能にするアプリです。例えばアプリを起動させた状態で中日新聞に掲載された対象画像にかざしてシャッターボタンを押すと、まるで新聞が動き出し...


Australian Resources & Investment is a quarterly magazine targeted at investors and mining executives. Regular columnists include former managing edit...


Root机可能出现闪退情况。 海贼王(One Piece AR Carddass Formation)是由日本著名游戏开发公司【NBGI】发行的一款利用手机摄像头配合特制的AR卡片进行冒险的3D游戏。 本作先后登陆街机、IOS平台,现在终于来到安卓平台了。海贼FANS欢呼吧~! 游戏以「收集卡牌」为...

Naboro Piece

Match the puzzle excitingly!Naboro piece is the puzzle game that make it same with the sample by moving a block in a line.You can move a block line up...

Qibla AR

Qiblah-AR an application that guide Muslims to the direction towards the Kaaba using Augmented Reality technology so you see Kaaba as if it is in fron...

SightSpaceStation AR


Qibla AR

Qiblah-AR an application that guide Muslims to the direction towards the Kaaba using Augmented Reality technology so you see Kaaba as if it is in fron...