Currency converter
Live currency, foreign exchange rates for 33 world currencies (most popular) with user-friendly design and option to customize and arrange order of fa...
Live currency, foreign exchange rates for 33 world currencies (most popular) with user-friendly design and option to customize and arrange order of fa...
Convert currencies of all the countries in the world. -One convert listing currency against other currencies -One-to-one feature, a currency conversi...
Currency Converter, providing Yuan, Pounds, Hong Kong dollar, US dollar, Swiss francs, Singapore dollar, Swedish krona, Danish krone, Norwegian krone,...
Android 版 Currency converter 是一款简单的货币转换器 (或汇率计算器)。 主要功能: - 易于使用 - 离线使用 - 保存/载入您的收藏 - 更改主要货币 - 设定喜好 - 在线更新: 欧洲中央银行, 其他来源或者手动输入您的货币。 更新:新增检查更新功能。 2.3.1版...
Currency converter is a simple app that helps you convert from a currency to another. You can update the exchange rates everytime you want so you'll h...
CurrencyConverter is a free application which can *Display daily currencies *Convert any currency type to other instantly *Save daily currency data to...
En este mes de la Madre atrévete a enviar las postales más hermosas que tendrás a disposición, en tu dispositivo. Mira selecciona y envía por correo l...
* Please note that you may need to understand a little accounting theory to use this application. If you don't, it's better to use this applic...
专业视像新闻片段,独有事件追踪功能,数分钟即可尽览重要新闻 ***** 现已支援Android3.0, 4.0,所有Android用户都可以免费使用本程式!***** #免费now新闻台24小时直播 #突发新闻提示,配合直播画面,紧贴现场 #独有新闻Widget小工具,方便你于桌面浏览焦点新闻 #独...
最受歡迎中產家庭報章《星島日報》,每日帶來至新至快的要聞消息,報道深入中肯,時評精要, 更榮獲香港報業工會「2011年香港最佳新聞獎」十二個大獎及多項殊榮。多元化及專業的資訊,備受每位中產家庭成員和精英讀者推崇。立即下載程式,便可即時獲取《星島日報》精采全面的日報新聞,以及隨時接收即時新聞,時刻緊貼...