apple widget

Moon Widget

MoonWidget is a little astronomy widget that displays the current phase of the moon. It also shows time for moonrise/moonset depending on your locatio...

APPGuru Widget

★ APPGuru 好用APP推薦第一站 首款Android Widget ★特別為Android用戶設計的APP推薦資訊Widget,可以一覽APPGuru的最新APP評測,掌握最即時的Android新機發表會與開箱文。【功能】★ 最新熱門APP完整實測★ 電車男、小資女、攝影控特輯主題包★ 最新...

Power Widget

Power Widget offers some very nice and useful toggles. With Power Widget you gain quick access to most of your important settings. And most important ...