api key是什麼


Alignment is 4 in 1 collection of strategy games from Ancient Egypt, Ghana, Kenya and Philippines.The games are: Tic Tac Toe, Achi, Tapatan and Shisim...


查快递,寄快递,上快递100; 产品主要功能 1.扫描枪录单:单次可连续用摄像头批量扫描100张快递单; 2.智能查快递:直接输单号查询,不用选快递; 3.快递通讯录:提供专有的快递员通讯录,方便管理,第一时间联系; 4.快递单管家:自动保存历史查单号并归类,随时查快递,随时同步到各设备; 5.快递...


重要更新: 查快递,寄快递,上快递100; 产品主要功能 1.扫描枪录单:单次可连续用摄像头批量扫描100张快递单; 2.智能查快递:直接输单号查询,不用选快递; 3.快递通讯录:提供专有的快递员通讯录,方便管理,第一时间联系; 4.快递单管家:自动保存历史查单号并归类,随时查快递,随时同步到各设备...

Google Play API

This app is an add-on for apps created by JRummy Apps Inc. The app does not put an app icon in your app drawer. Please read the description below:This...


Designed for Ethiopia this instant messaging service will let keep in touch with friends and family all over the world. Selam is also a communication ...

JW Song Book

As always, I encourage you to use the official android application of the Jehovah's Witnesses (search for JW LIbrary). This application offers a q...


主編的話2015年1月1日開始,以釋經靈修為主的「爾道自建」流動應用程式(APP)會有全新面貌。除了提供每日一篇靈修文章和語音讓信徒作為每天親近神的屬靈食糧之外,還加增全新功能包括﹕- 文章主題搜尋 -- 能以主題式搜尋靈修文章,有助個人和小組查經需要。- 重温昔日文章 -- 可即時重温昔日所有靈修...