apgar score


The Apgar score was devised in 1952 by the eponymous Dr. Virginia Apgar as a simple and repeatable method to quickly and summarily assess the health o...


The APGAR Score is a system for point score evaluation of the physical condition of a newborn one and five minutes after birth.The five criteria are s...

Urgence Scores

"Urgence Score" est un outil extrêmement utile, performant et particulièrement intuitif qui s'adresse essentiellement aux personnels médicaux, par...


OpenPGP for Android. It's open source and its goal is to provide a similar OpenPGP implementation as GnuPG.NOTE: BACK UP YOUR SECRET KEYS! Prefera...


Este aplicativo foi desenvolvido por médicos pediatras, com intuito de tornar rápida e fácil a classificação de APGAR em partos realizados por outros ...


The Apgar score was devised in 1952 by the eponymous Dr. Virginia Apgar as a simple and repeatable method to quickly and summarily assess the health o...