alpha testing

Driving Logger

本软件有录影功能,可以用手机拍摄车辆行驶过程中,正前方发生的情况,照片拍摄与全球定位系统行车路径纪录,当发生突发事故时可以让驾驶朋友确保自身权益。 功能: 可循环录影,90秒影像分批存档; 录影中可锁定档案,避免循环录影覆盖; 可选择的SD卡储存影像档案容量; 回报及语音警示:警点与塞车地点。 注意...

Crash List

Crash List - Accident Injury App by Tofaute & SpelmanThe law firm of Tofaute & Spelman has designed the application "Crash List" to assist drivers imm...

Egg Crash

Save the Rabbit! Destroy the egg! The rabbit was closed in the egg! Smash the egg by hitting it over 1000 times faster! How much you will be faster? C...

Crash App

Crash App is an Advanced Crash Detection System which will send for help if it senses an impact, with your GPS position & medical details.If you enjoy...