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OTOMETOKEI超群QLOCK是可愛的動態壁紙。 這麼可愛的鑽石和顏色。 它有兩個 QLOCKs和一個心形符號和數字時鐘,日期。 他們有這麼多的可定制的! 二QLOCK timezone.It可以設置時區的名稱和數字時鐘 /日期。 雙擊每個 Qlocks和符號來改變焦點狀態。 雙點和多點觸摸來改...

Quick Picture

Need to take a picture, but don't have time to open up the camera? Just tap the Quick Picture icon! It will take a photo without opening the camer...

C Avoider

C Avoider is a high difficulty Arcade game that challenges your agility and your response time under pressure. You only need tap the screen to Dodge a...