

Warm your hands when it gets cold --- not only for women ---Displays remaining battery and current temperature. Stops at 5% battery. Lasts approx. 2h ...

Global News

The latest news updates from the most famous twitter accounts specialised in international news and storiesYou can review older news without connectin...

Global News

Global News is an application to read news updates every second from a variety of sources of news media in Indonesia.New features news notifications e...


- ၃၈ျဖာမဂၤလာကဗ်ာ၊- ၃၈ျဖာမဂၤလာ ၀တၱဳတိုမ်ား၊- ၃၈ျဖာမဂၤလာ သီခ်င္း ႏွင့္- လူက်င့္၀တ္မ်ား တို့ ပါ၀င္ပါတယ္ခင္ဗ်ာ။***(လူက်င့္၀တ္မ်ားတြင္လည္း ဆရာ၀တ္၊တပည့္၀တ္၊...

Free Warmer

This tool will make your mobile phone / tablet full load of CPU, to generate heat and warm up like a hand warmer. The energy comes from the device bat...