Ultima Reversi


Bu programda "Namaz" hakk?nda her ?eyi bulabilirsiniz.Programimizi gonul rahatligi ile kullanabilirsiniz. Butun namaz hareketleri ve aciklamalari Diya...


AlKursi lets you read in ARABIC, ENGLISH and tranliteration and listen to different reciters of Ayet alkursi. More applications can be found at: www.i...


黑白棋(也叫反棋、奥赛罗棋、苹果棋或翻转棋)是一个规则简单但却充满挑战的双人策略棋牌游戏。游戏棋盘8横8列,双方各执一种颜色的棋子。 游戏的目标是翻转尽量多的对方棋子,游戏结束时己方颜色的棋子数量比对方多。在这个版本的黑白棋里,你可以和坐在你身边朋友一起玩,也可以和手机对战。游戏内置的人工智能机器可...

Reversi Online

Play Reversi (Othello) online against other players all over the world! NEW! Ice Cream Sandwich-style redesign!Reversi Online lets you play the classi...


Reversi is a board game involving abstract strategy and played by two players on a board with 8 rows and 8 columns and a set of distinct pieces for ea...


Reversi is a board game for 2 players. The goal is to finish the game with more pieces than the other opponents. Every turn the player put new piece i...