The UOS app

The Ultimate App

The Ultimate Android Application - also known as The Most Useless App - is an application based on The Ultimate Machine by Claude Elwood Shannon (the ...

The NRIC App

A simple application that allows the user to calculate the last character of a Singapore NRIC based on the preceding alphabets and digits. For example...

The Alice app

** The New York Times - 紐約時報 - 書評 - “”愛麗絲“也通過西方藝術史上的一個狡猾之旅,讓人幾乎由約翰·坦尼爾爵士忘了原書的插圖”。** Wired - “有著藝術文藝復興時期的風格和兒童故事,愛麗絲應用程序是一個驚喜之作。** Venture Beat – “你可以通...