The Rivers of Alice app

The Alice app

** The New York Times - 紐約時報 - 書評 - “”愛麗絲“也通過西方藝術史上的一個狡猾之旅,讓人幾乎由約翰·坦尼爾爵士忘了原書的插圖”。** Wired - “有著藝術文藝復興時期的風格和兒童故事,愛麗絲應用程序是一個驚喜之作。** Venture Beat – “你可以通...

The River

Your aim is to transport a gnu, a penguin, and a fish to the other river bank. However only one of these will fit in the boat along with you.If you le...

Tarot Negro

El Tarot Negro, forma un conjunto simbólico de la parte más oscura, para que emerja el propio "yo" y sus demonios. Está destinado a ser utilizado para...