The Pirate Bay Mirror app


开启你的海盜之旅!海盜 (Pirates)是一個脑力益智游戏,你需要在遊戲中證明你自己,成爲世界上最聰明的海盜.遊戲的目標是有策略地移動彩色的海盜船,把它們組合在一起形成舰队.你需要学习如何有策略的移动你的船只以通过更困难的挑战.這個游戏有数千个关卡,将给你带来无穷乐趣!全新游戏开启你的海盜之旅吧,...


Set Sails and Load Your Cannons!PIRATES! are Everywhere!We need you to clear the ocean of these wild dogs!And prove yourself to be the #1 Pirate!A Gre...


Show your artillery power and sink the pirate ships before they reach your island. You must sink at least eight ships before you run out of ammunition...