Shikisai Match the Colors

Color Match

Color Match is a fun game that requires you to distinguish what you see from what you read. It challenges your brain hard to stay focused and concentr...

Color Matcher

Color Matcher is a mobile color management application that helps you keep an organized list of colors, with associated title and description, that yo...

Color Math

Color Math是一个用来比较和转换颜色的免费应用。它通过ICC色彩特型文件来提供颜色色差计算,颜色在不同颜色空间和视频颜色显示的转换。特色包括:- 色差计算 (CIE76, CIE94 and CIEDE2000)。- 颜色在不同颜色空间中的转换 XYZ, xyY, Luv, LCh, Lab...