McAfee Security
迈克菲手机杀毒 v4.1.0.543 McAfee Mobile Security 为您 Android 设备提供全面的安全保护。使用 McAfee 屡获殊荣的防病毒、隐私和安全保护软件保护您的 Android 手机或平板电脑。 此免费试用版可为您和您的设备提供 14 天的保护。试用后,您可以在该应...
迈克菲手机杀毒 v4.1.0.543 McAfee Mobile Security 为您 Android 设备提供全面的安全保护。使用 McAfee 屡获殊荣的防病毒、隐私和安全保护软件保护您的 Android 手机或平板电脑。 此免费试用版可为您和您的设备提供 14 天的保护。试用后,您可以在该应...
Scan and Price was developed to emulate a data or price collector.Export data collected by email, bluetooth, dropbox, etc. in csv files (Excel compati...
Simple and useful application.Allows you to quickly find the stolen phone.When a new SIM card, send to your specified settings in number, an SMS with ...
Now and finally, the application for the website is avalaible in the market.Generally this application allow you to access my webs...
Security Plus is the most reliable and efficient security software for your phone that protects both your data and device in case it is lost or stolen...
This is the official mobile phone application by Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA), to provide you with the latest first-hand information on MCA’s n...
Scan可以识别所有最常见的条码类型(UPC、EAN及ISBN)并显示价格、评论等更多关于所扫描产品的信息。条码扫描需要一个较新的Android以可靠识别。老设备的相机不提供扫描条码所需的分辨率或对焦。额外功能• 查看所有过往扫描历史列表和地图• 在网络和你的所有设备上同步扫描历史• 切换前置或后置...
THIS APP DOES NOT WORK WITH ANDROID VERSION 4.4 KIT-KAT (NOV 2013) AND NEWER - DO NOT INSTALL. Sorry but I simply do not have time to maintain it.- Ha...
使用這個免費的“假”X射線掃描器來欺騙您的朋友!這不是一個真正的X射線掃描器,它只是為了好玩惡作劇的應用程序。傾斜你的手機在你的手上,並滾動X射線圖像。你可能需要練習幾次。您還可以改變顏色,大小和速度的設定畫面。這個應用程序還附帶了功能齊全的動態桌布!使用:Home -> Menu -> 桌布 ->...
The PDF Scanner app scan the PDF file and scan the text from it. User can change the text scanned from PDF file and save it as a text file or send it ...