Played on a 8x8 Chess/Checkers style board, SHOGUN is different as there is hidden "terrain" values on each position that determine how far a piece ca...

Skulls of the Shogun

“没有什么游戏像《幕府将军的头骨》这样流畅、小巧且剧情连贯周密,对我来说,它绝对属于同类游戏中的优秀之作。” -- Eurogamer打败你的敌人,吃掉它们的头骨!《幕府将军的头骨》就是这样一款快节奏的回合制策略游戏,画面中融入了格斗类游戏的“刀光剑影”,游戏情节充斥着强烈的幽默感!快来置身阴曹地府...


Skull is a musical app that lets you search, listen in streaming and download on your smartphone your favorite songs. An intuitive graphic interface w...

Shogun Hex

Japan was a country in turmoil at the beginning of the 18th century. It was a time of pageantry and corruption in the Shogun's court in Edo (now T...

Philips DockStudio

免費的飛利浦 DockStudio 應用程式能為 Android 擴充喇叭帶來各式獨特功能。輕觸一下即可與喇叭連線,收聽全球數千個網際網路廣播電台,透過藍牙將您最愛的音樂串流到擴充喇叭,完全掌控所有音效設定,方便調整,盡情享受。您可以在「時鐘」模式內設定多組自訂音樂鬧鈴和更新的氣象報告。此應用程式完...