Rap Arabe

Rap Rhyming

This is a small app specially for RAP singers and lovers. Most of the singers met a problem of searching rhyming words for their song lines. So we hav...

Rap Wars

Rap Wars is the first-ever mobile app that allows users to do rap battles over the mobile network. It is more than just a mobile rap music app, it is ...

Rap Snaps

This is the first application dedicated to real rappers, a professional tool to record premium quality rap songs and duels. The newest and best rap an...


国粤双语同时呈现星爷经典搞笑对白,绝对值得珍藏!精美的界面,图文并茂的形式再加上周星驰的独特声音,重现星爷在银幕的经典造型和对白,不管您是否是星迷,都不容错过唐伯虎点秋香调戏秋香的求神,您听过完整版吗?还有,国产凌凌漆开场那段叫小姐的经典对白呢?等等 在无聊或心情沉闷的时候,听听这些温馨而搞笑的对白...