Pro Auto Redial - Call Timer app

Call Timer

Call Timer is a type of application that allows you to limit the time of your outgoing call. You can set a maximum time limit on your particular outgo...

Call Timer

除了自动挂起和重拨第一分钟是免费的号码之外,可以控制您的数据/电话/短信计划......都包括在一个应用程序中! ★由谷歌评选为2013年最佳应用程序之一! ★超过3百万次的免费版本下​​载备份。 控制您计划的功能: ✔实时计划使用。 ✔在达到配置计划限制时报警。 ✔配有计划统计的图表。 ✔从通话和...

Pi Timer

It is a timer which displays a circular constant while counting. It is simple and is thinking operativity as important so that those who like mathemat...