
Photo Mania

PhotoMania is a free online platform where you can edit and convert your simple photo into an amazing frame with an easy and powerful editing tool, wh...


- Compare two images and spot five differences between them. Improve attention skills and exercise brain while playing this completely FREE arcade gam...

Photo Hunter 找錯高手

如果你是喜愛這類遊戲的高手,那麼你絕對不能錯過這款經典遊戲.一起加入我們挑戰所有的關卡吧★訓練你的視力跟腦力.★泰國著名景點,讓你更深入了解泰國.★每個關卡都是絕世美圖,完全吸睛!!★過關後就可以將美圖美景收集到你的圖庫.★在圖庫中可以了解景點資料,點選"Go to here"可以讓PAPAGO!或...