Perfect Sight Without Glasses app


Do you forget names? Whozzoo allows you to create memory aids of YOUR choosing—a person’s physical appearance, meeting place, business, hobbies, hot/n...

Who‘s —瞬间社交

世界上最简单、最有效的交流神器!Who's是一个只需要点击,不需要打字的交流神器。Who‘s可以代表任何一切,而这些都取决您的想象。想说“早上好 ”? 点Who's吧。想说“亲爱的想你了”? - Who's想说“我在这里”? - Who'sWho's让一切皆有可能。 有木有一瞬间,你曾想到亲人、恋人...


WhyNot comes from a spirit of sharing and openness to the world. Simple, direct, such as a smile that unites. A human emotion, global and recognizable...