OpenGL ES marching cubes
Implementation of the marching cubes algorithm. Uses pthreads to accelerate calculations and OpenGL ES 2 for rendering.免費玩OpenGL ES marching cubes APP...
Implementation of the marching cubes algorithm. Uses pthreads to accelerate calculations and OpenGL ES 2 for rendering.免費玩OpenGL ES marching cubes APP...
Cubes march over your screen in the darkness while lighting up the path behind them.Very simple wallpaper with rolling cubes that looks pretty cool.免費...
Quickly access hundreds of Rubik's Cube algorithms for standard 3x3 cubes as well as 4x4, 5x5, and 6x6 cubes. These include algorithms using the F...
A dictionary of algorithms for solving the Rubik's cube using the Fridrich method.WARNING! If you don't know what F2L/OLL/PLL means, this app ...
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又一年的六月即将到来,离别的气息渐渐浓厚。毕业学子们摆着地摊,吆喝着卖掉珍藏了四年的宝贝;在各个办公室奔走,退费盖章,领取鲜红的证书;在散伙宴上喝了一杯又一杯,道了珍重再珍重;忍着眼泪和每一个人拥抱,留下满满的回忆,托着沉重的行李和对未来美好的憧憬离开。 三年也好,四年也好,我们不能永远在别人的港湾...
FUN ARCADE GAME FOR ALL DEADLOX & BUTTE FANSSuper Deadlox World is a fun Arcade Game for All Ages. Evil Monster has kidnapped Sarah, Deadlox's Girlfri...
Lines 98 Classic is a simple interested classical game. The player needs to arrange 5 or more bubbles of the same color consecutively in straight line...
Aplicația Colegu’, este prima aplicație autentic românească care vine în sprijinul șoferilor din România cu scopul de a crea o comunitate unită și de ...
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