Page Commentator

Page CommentatorはWebページのはてなブックマークコメントとTwitterコメントを一覧表示するアプリです。Webページに対する反応を素早く閲覧することができます。[使い方]Webページ閲覧中にブラウザなどの共有ボタンから、本アプリ選択するだけです。そうすると、本アプリが記事に対する...


Numbers is a funny game for kids.Kids will learn the numbers while having fun.Contains 10 numbers with their pronunciation in English, Spanish, French...


Trova quello che cerchi intorno a te con PagineSì Si4App.L'applicazione per Android che seguendoti passo passo fornisce le informazioni della tua ...


This game trains your abilities and speed of calculation.Each round consists in the following problem : you have six numbers and through calculation o...


Cross ages and civilisations in an air hockey HD graphics game.A dual player ping pong game with many bonus to attack and deffend.Optimised OpenGL 2.0...

Package Browser

Browse the packages installed on your device, including:* activities, services, receivers, and providers* resources and other assets, including graphi...