
LBS root



This application allows you to participate in a meeting: talk to other people via the built-in microphone and vote in polls proposed by the supervisor...


Features? Roll call!...Login to your Meetup account with Meetroll to see all your Meetup groups, their events, and who RSVPed (Yes or No) for each eve...


In today's world it is essential to remember about many important matters and details. BeeTasks is a book of problems with recording a list of things ...

المحادثة الانجليزية

اللغة الانجليزية من اكثر اللغات المستخدمة و المفهومة في العالم و المستخدمة في كثير من الاجهزة و البرامج و التطبيقات و الالعاب لذا فان تعلم اللغة الانج...


CHEQROOM is an easy system to register, track and manage all kind of equipment.E.g.: computer hardware, audiovisual material, bikes, ski material, boo...


This App is a shortcut to the webpage This site lets you create a web-based chatroom.- Create a chatroom and share it to other people.- ...


Makhsoom is a new way to discover and shop for things and services you love in Dubai, Beirut and Abu Dhabi. We deliver you the hottest products and gr...