Total KCal
Ever wonder if the "2000 calories a day" baseline is actually the correct amount of calories for you? Total KCal determines optimal total calorie need...
Ever wonder if the "2000 calories a day" baseline is actually the correct amount of calories for you? Total KCal determines optimal total calorie need...
The BTU Campusapp is meant to support students around the campus with several helpful tools and features.Currently the app includes:★ BTU Services★ Ti...
fixed bug where adverts were appearing over the keyboard when entering data.NEW functionality added, enter any two fields and the third value is worke...
This is a Whole House BTU Calculator. Which requires the depth of the house, Width, and Ceiling height for the BTU output. The BTU output is give in a...
Con KcalC puoi verificare le quantità di calorie degli alimenti in modo semplice e rapido.Puoi selezionare gli alimenti da un elenco di circa 600.Clic...
Calculadora que te ayuda a estimar la capacidad en toneladas de enfriamiento del aparato de aire acondicionado que requieres instalar con tan solo ind...
★★★★★1kcal★★★★★하루 섭취 칼로리가 신경쓰이세요? 칼로리로 목표 달성 해 보실래요?1kcal는 칼로리 목표달성으로 당신의 욕구를 충족시켜 줄 것입니다.칼로리 목표달성을 통해서 건강도 지키고 재미도 느껴보세요!1. 첫 화면의 Kcal Alarm Setting ...
IQ Coach is designed to help you practice for a scientific IQ test. There are over a hundred sample IQ test questions featured in our app. And we prom...
Brag About My Site is the new website where you can submit your own website, blog, Facebook page, Twitter profile and have it move up in the rankings....
緯華企業股份有限公司(PACKWAY INC.)為國內專業自動化機器製造廠商。自1979年成立以來,一向堅持「緯華用心,精緻創新」的經營理念。三十多年來,致力於包裝機器之設計、製造、行銷、代工等,強調「台灣製造 品質保證」,為產業界提供各式的包裝機器,深獲產業界的肯定與信賴。緯華(PACKWAY)致...