Inspire Memphis app


源自「Prototyping on Paper」缩写的POP,正是帮助开发者设计App原型的工具。当开发者在纸上画好App架构草图后,只要用手机将草图拍照存档,再透过「连结」(link to)的功能,将一张张草图串联起来,就能直接在手机屏幕上展示原型实际运作的样子,大幅缩短开发时程。 不管你是专业开...

App UI Designer

Easily build and edit Android app user interfaces with this visual app UI designer. This app can run standalone and is also fully integrated into "AID...

Adobe Inspire

Adobe Inspire Magazine is for and about a thriving community of creative people. Each issue showcases amazing work produced by designers, illustrators...

Inspired Living

Official Android app for Conceptualized and designed by Idroid and ibazaarindia.Now order LED lights,solar power products,paint...