Insect Invasion

Army Creeds

All Army Creeds including Soldiers Creed, NCO Creed, Drill SGT. Creed, MP Creed, Infantry, Special Forces, Rangers, Cadets, Airborne, and The Nightsta...


Calculate your US Army physical fitness test (APFT) scores using the latest Training Circular (TC) charts.Features:- Log multiple test records in file...

Army Workout

Get in Shape with Military Training. Contains over 50 easily described exercises. From push ups to HIIT interval training, with trix and tips for your...

Insects Escape

这是一款仿游戏厅投篮的游戏,玩家只要不断的滑动屏幕将篮球投中得分即可,在限定时间内分数越高越好,可以累积金钱开启新关卡. 这是一款模拟游乐场投篮机的快节奏游戏,同时还内置了售券机;玩家可以不断挑战以达到目标分数,然後进入下一关,并尝试打破最高分记录.只有玩得最久的玩家,才配得上最佳玩家的称号. 你需...