Hungry Pirate

Pirates SOS

An evil captain has captured the souls of your crew! Now it's up to you, a parrot, to rescue their souls with a gun and limited ammo. Shoot your b...

Pirate Adventures

Pirate Adventures是一款豐富有趣的隱藏物體探尋遊戲,會讓喜歡神秘事物和浪漫海盜故事的每個人興奮不已!立刻免費試用,然後在遊戲內開啟全面冒險。從前,一位名叫Sharpshooter Jack的海盜獲得了一個神秘的古老箱子。Jack很快便知道這個箱子包含一些非常非常重要的東西,不過是什麼...

Pirate Adventures.

Pirate Adventures是一款豐富有趣的隱藏物體探尋遊戲,會讓喜歡神秘事物和浪漫海盜故事的每個人興奮不已!從前,一位名叫Sharpshooter Jack的海盜獲得了一個神秘的古老箱子。Jack很快便知道這個箱子包含一些非常非常重要的東西,不過是什麼呢?這個箱子被緊緊地鎖住!為了找出箱子裏...

Pirate Gold

Description: Your mission is to destroy the pirates, and collect all the gold boxes from them. Tap to destroy the blocks, lead the bombs to destroy th...