HTC Speak 套件-RU


SpeakO android mobile dialer is high quality and easy to use. High quality VOIP calls and easy to use.Crystal clear voice quality.Full branding option...

SMS Speak

SMS Speak allows you to listen to your text/SMS messages, as well as read them.It's as simple as 1. Choose a contact2. Choose a message3. ListenCh...


SpeakMe allows your phone to talk their notifications. But not all applications, only those that you want. Select them from the list and mark the mini...

HTC Speak 套件-RU

[俄語] 為了讓每個人都能夠透過各自所需的語言享受 HTC Speak 的便利,手機預先載入 11 種語言。如果您需要的語言不在其中,只要下載 HTC Speak 語言套件,就可以加入另外 13 種語言。您的新手機就可以立即說出您使用的語言。HTC Speak 套件支援 HTC One、HTC On...

HTC 服務套件

HTC 服務套件是將先前推出的更新加以整合的支援服務更新,有助於您對 HTC 的體驗更加穩定。服務套件完全免費提供。務必安裝最新版服務套件,讓您對 HTC 的體驗保持最新狀態。應用程式中提及的 HTC、HTC 標誌及其他 HTC 產品與服務名稱皆為 HTC Corporation 在美國及其他國家的...