Fiszkoteka Ability app

Angel Camera

[Common Features of Angel Camera] It's a camera app that sports a cool interface and ease of use (we were very particular about it!). It features spee...


曾經調皮的小豬偷過小鳥幾個蛋,但是被小鳥發現了,不但奪回了蛋,還對小豬窮追猛打,小豬們倍受欺凌後,痛定思痛,發現自己被欺負的主要原因就是“不會飛”!於是小豬們奮發圖強……!《憤怒的小豬》在經典的“大魚吃小魚(Feeding Frenzy)”玩法上又融入了魔法、咒語、寶寶養成以及精彩刺激的BOSS大戰...

Angry Pigs Free

Pigs had stole some eggs, the birds bullied the pigs after regain eggs, day after day, the pigs found the reason why birds were stronger than them, be...