As android 3.1 and above supports USB host mode you can communicate with the external hardware devices from the android smartphone or tablet through u...
As android 3.1 and above supports USB host mode you can communicate with the external hardware devices from the android smartphone or tablet through u...
FTDI USB to UART COM Port Utility.This utility is for use with FTDI USB to UART devices. The utility provides a terminal emulation function for use on...
這是一個將手機或平版 變成一個隨身攜帶的 UART/RS-232 測試工具,可不必再攜帶笨重的電腦或購買昂貴的 UART 測試儀器。 如果你的手機或平版電腦有 USB OTG功能,只須下載本 APP 及 自備 USB OTG Cable 和 USB Serial Port,即可將你的手機或平板變成...
UAR, de mobiele architectuur applicatie van het NAi, geeft je informatie over de omgeving om je heen door gebruik van tekst, beeld, video en archiefma...
La Universidad de Alicante ha creado esta aplicación para ofrecer la mayor información posible. Desde la aplicación podrás:- Acceder a las noticias de...
La Baya è lieta di presentarvi la sua nuova applicazione mobile, attraverso la quale potrete organizzare e completare la vostra visita, oltre a manten...
Discover Sacred Heart University! Thinking of attending Sacred Heart U? Prospective students and families can explore the campus and learn about our u...
A PASSPORT AGENCIA oferece aos clientes diversos serviços como:Passagens aéreas nacionais e internacionais;Hotéis nacionais e internacionais;Resorts, ...
No matter if you can only do 5 push-ups right now or 30, by just following this all-in-one program you will eventually be able to knockout 100 push up...
第5回あほげー(お題『吉田』) 参加作品をAndroid版にしてみました。脱出ゲーム風味のクリックゲームです。10分程度もあればクリアできると思う簡単な内容になっております。続編などは、まだPC専用ですが http://ancho.web.fc2.com/ から遊べます。初めてAndroidアプリを...