Edad Mental

Mental Math

Serious about math? This is a free apps for you to work your maths mind!Test and practice your mental math everyday andwork your way up to the Grand M...

اختبر عمرك العقلي

كل شخص يمتلك عمر حقيقي وعمر عقلي , وهذا التطبيق يحتوي على اختبار يقوم بحساب عمرك العقلي من خلال 8 اسئلة موضوعة من قبل علماء نفس من استراليا .مميزات ال...

Calcul Mental

Une petite application histoire de faire travailler ses méninges . Travaillez votre réactivité au calcul mental , que se soit addition , soustraction ...

Mental Math

Mental Math is a brain training game for busy people. Play this game 2 minutes a day to increase your mental math abilities. It was designed to help p...

Mental Math

You've got 60 seconds to answer as many questions as you can. Go! Mental arithmetic at its best, choose your arithmetic operation and your level. Get ...