Cryptic Cosmos

Cosmo Battles

“Cosmo battles”是一款极具魅力的设定在宇宙空间上递进式战略游戏!游戏画面丰富,操作简单,一定会给玩家带来惊喜。玩家以太空战队指挥官的角色带领先头部队向惊险、绚丽的太空进发,开始银河系的征程。在完成设定的有趣任务时,玩家们会去很多地方,开启新型作战单元,升级部队的战斗力,收集积分并在交战...


These mysterious crypts were created thousands of years ago to protect the temple relics,Only the wisest were meant to solve these riddles and reveal ...

Cryptic FREE

Cryptic is a game where you get to solve puzzles and learn basic principles about cryptography at the same time! The difficulty is increasing with eve...