Chrono&Cash Free app


《Chrono Trigger》登場Android!!《Chrono Trigger》是一部由《Dragon Quest》的堀井雄二先生、《Dragon Ball》的鳥山明先生,以及《Final Fantasy》開發團隊共同組成的夢之隊“Dream Project”攜手打造的經典名作RPG。這部作品...

Chrono Cash

"You’ll constantly be trying a new challenge and will even get your friends involved, just to beat their high scores." 8.5/10 - Paranerds"The tightnes...


A timepiece or timing device with a special mechanism for ensuring and adjusting its accuracy, for use in determining longitude at sea or for any purp...

Chrono Memory

TimedPairs now is Chronomemory!New modes,new classes,new features.You have to remember where pairs of icons are located on the screen and solve each p...