Bas Rutten's World


Guide the ship out of the port. Your goal is to move the ships up and down and left and right to create a path for your ship to escape.Think you'r...

Bar Fight

You are in a bar waiting for your well deserved meal. Your hunger and frustration grow as you wait impatiently. You look around and you see a lot of p...

AE 幸运捕鱼

一款画面精美的益智休闲游戏,你可以一边畅游美轮美奂的海底世界,一边享受成功捕获鱼类获取大把金币的乐趣,还能聆听美人鱼优美的歌声。 游戏特色: .美轮美奂的海底世界和千姿百态的的海洋生物。 .7个等级的普通鱼炮,切换随心所欲。 .可以存储的深海鱼雷,体验畅快淋漓的快感。 .身临其境的视听感受。 .每日...