Abduction! World Attack

World Time

A simple yet elegant World Time application with around 600+ cities to add.One screen application. Add and delete from the same screen.* Search for a ...

World Time

A simple app to view date and time for different time zones.You pick a timezone, and it shows the date and time for that timezone for the current time...


Your friends have been abducted by aliens, and it's up to you to save them! Follow the ufo into space, grabbing power-ups and rescuing friends as ...


Your friends have been abducted by aliens, and it's up to you to save them! Follow the ufo into space, grabbing power-ups and rescuing friends as you ...


You are an alien on a mission. The Earth is targeted for harvest and the mothership needs fresh meat. Collect earthlings, rescue comrades, and prepare...

ضغط الدم

التطبيق الاول والوحيد بالعربية لضغط الدم ودقات القلب.. قيس ضغطك وسجل القراءات لتعرف مدى تغير ضغطك للحفاظ على صحتك... اعرض القراءات على طبيبك ليعطيك ال...