Sail Ski

Sail & Ski is a full service Boating Lifestyle store. Our focus is to "make boating easy." Whether it's selecting and purchasing a new or used boa...

Sail Trim

Learn Sail Trim for all Points-of-Sail and all wind conditions. Remember this Acrostic: "Happily Our Boats Can Sail the British Virgins." Remember the... - die bequeme Logbuch App für Segler.Diese App erlaubt die manuelle und teilweise automatische Erfassung einer Vielzahl von Position-, Kurs...


Apps4Sailing provides up to date info on our latest news, upcoming events, specials and sailing tips. With all of our info in one easy to access place...

Sailing Time

Теперь вы можете взять всю информацию об обучении в школе Sailing Time с собой. Новости о предстоящих путешествиях, бронирование мест и чартер яхт, по...