ADWTheme StockBlue
ADWTheme for ADW.Launcher version 1.0 or higher.Simple blue tinted theme for people disliking the orangeish stock.New: DEMO features for latest ADW.La...
ADWTheme for ADW.Launcher version 1.0 or higher.Simple blue tinted theme for people disliking the orangeish stock.New: DEMO features for latest ADW.La...
ADW主題啟動主題:餵 - 南瓜。增加了TAB支撐。簡單地說:如何使用主題,請觀看YouTube視頻。龍的故事:這是一個ADW主題,需要安裝ADW啟動應用程序。ADW發射器在市場上有一個免費的版本。 ADW主題包括壁紙,時鐘和圖標包。主題安裝後,請按“打開”按鈕。它會將您到市場上下載並安裝免費的版本...
This is not a stand alone app. It's a theme for ADW.Launcher.ADW.Launcher by anderwebs is RequiredTo apply this theme do the following: Menu-->ADW...
*需要ADW發射器(至少為版本1.3.3)或ADW啟動EX - 應用主題,請閱讀“如何使用”下面的說明***這是一個主題的開發者在Android Market上,灼熱傳統主題的最暢銷的主題!一個超詳細的粉紅色和黑色的輝光的ADW啟動主題。驚人的粉紅色霓虹燈效果!擺脫舊式的粉紅色主題,試試這個!大唐的...
This theme is dedicated to _Qman (twitter). Icons inspired by Ecqlipse 2 by chrfb.This theme has been made for HDPI devices, but it should work on MDP...
*If you are interested in this theme check out my other themes ADWTheme Gold Design / Silver Design / Pink Design / Green Design too..*Requirement(s):...
ADW Launcher Theme Cute LadybugsAdded TAB support.It is an ADW-THEME which requires ADW-LAUNCHER application installed ( is four versio...
**ADW launcher or ADW EX is required******Also works on launcherpro plus for the icons***********PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT!*********HDPI support only*St...
This an ADWTheme Light Show-Slide which is based off of the HTC Espresso.*Compatible with ADW.Launcher or ADWLauncher EX. You must have one of these i...
This an ADWTheme Nature-Slide which is based off of the HTC Espresso.*Compatible with ADW.Launcher or ADWLauncher EX. You must have one of these insta...