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Poggled delivers the best nightlife events at members-only prices. We tell you about awesome nightlife events, exclusive offers, and unique ways to sc...


HiGoogle is an XPosed module that opens Google Now instead of S-Voice when the "Hi galaxy" command is heard on the newer Samsung phones with always li...

Hi Google

Hi!Google是一个桌面小工具它可以自动的从www.google.com上下载Google的特殊Logo这样Google的Fans能很方便的收集Google的Logo。下载好的图标存在/sdcard/Hi!google中点击 LOGO 可以手动更新有任何问题请发邮件给我。Update V 1.2...


Приложение для сайта PureGoogle.ruВ приложении реализованы возможности чтения и комментирования новостей. Доступны навигация по сайту, воспроизведение...

Google Play 遊戲

Google Play 遊戲應用程式讓遊戲變得更好玩!您可與好友一較高下、追蹤自己的破關紀錄,而且個人遊戲進度一目瞭然,在任何裝置上都能接續暢玩遊戲。全新的玩家檔案可讓您展現遊戲技藝,讓其他玩家看看您在各款 Google Play 遊戲的傲人成就。無論您愛好益智、賽車、體育競技或動作遊戲,都能直接在...


Evil organization assembled a group of cats is bad for large-scale destruction of the city, since ancient times, cats and dogs do not and, brave alien...