

This is the beta version of the ³ (aka Cubed) music player. Enjoy! NOTE_ If you are having issues with album art run 'Get Art' again. If that does no...


Arrivé à un certain niveau, il est indispensable de noter vos réglages pour chaque circuit pour progresser. Avec Pist'It, fini les cahiers de note...

Hotel Ossa

Hotel Ossa Congress & Spa, należący do Grupy Trip, to połączenie najwyższej klasy obiektu konferencyjnego z doskonałym zapleczem wypoczynkowym. To ide...

Call or Chat

What if:•  You can see when someone’s phone is on volume, mute or vibrate. •  You can see when someone’s phone is turned off.•  You can see when someo...

Painter 7x7

《Painter 7x7》by eliminating the square score, when removing a row or column, square will automatically fillThe rules of the game:1, according to the "...