5倍变焦相机 PRO Zoom Camera 5X
5倍变焦相机PRO Zoom Camera 5X 是一款功能很全的数码相机软件,可以设置白平衡、滤镜、延时等,同时还可以对拍好的照片进行编辑处理。 特性: 1、5倍变焦,5种白平衡,8种滤镜 2、画画,乱涂 3、3种剪贴画 4、1种字体 5、3种疯狂特效 6、亮度/对比度 7、定时拍照 8、闪光灯控...
5倍变焦相机PRO Zoom Camera 5X 是一款功能很全的数码相机软件,可以设置白平衡、滤镜、延时等,同时还可以对拍好的照片进行编辑处理。 特性: 1、5倍变焦,5种白平衡,8种滤镜 2、画画,乱涂 3、3种剪贴画 4、1种字体 5、3种疯狂特效 6、亮度/对比度 7、定时拍照 8、闪光灯控...
5倍变焦相机(PRO Zoom Camera 5X)是一款功能很全的数码相机软件,可以设置白平衡、滤镜、延时等,同时还可以对拍好的照片进行编辑处理。特性:- 5倍变焦,5种白平衡,8种滤镜- 支持涂鸦- 53种剪贴画- 21种字体-23种超炫特效- 可调节亮度及对比度- 支持定时拍摄- flash装...
INSPIRATIONAL! BREATHTAKING! AROUSING! MEMORABLE! EXTREME! This application will refresh your live with plenty of great new ideas about love and sex. ...
Learn to make tasty recipes with ★ Kitchen Cat ★ on your Android phone.Show off your new culinary talents and impress the people you love.Recipes are ...
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This is a Christmas app sequel! (find it in the appstore)"Give a chocolate 女 男 Day"First pick a color, then a female or male character > _ ...
This space is too small to describe all the functions but here is a start:Share photos where 'Seeing is believing' and tell others the whole s...
Crack the baby stuff by firing the little troublemaker into it!Launch attempts are limited to only 1, make it count.With only one attempt, you have to...