


Game 30

Lengkapi 20 game atau lebih untuk menangkan hadiah HP cerdas Sony Xperia E senilai $1400 atau bonus $50 *Setiap pemenang hanya berhak untuk mengklaim...

Pratfall 30

Flick every direction to make people pratfall(Zukkoke*).------------Zukkoke Garage Company's business became poor performance. For ten years, pres...

Mute 30

How often does this happen to you? 1. You mute your phone for an important meeting.2. Hours later you have missed phone calls and messages because mut...


CODAWheel is a remote controller for iOS devices based on Bluetooth Low Energy technology. Its primary purpose is to use the Voice Command along with ...


CoDAS é uma publicação técnico-científica da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia, continuação do Jornal da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia (...