
Lava Bird

You are a bird with an unfortunate medical condition that causes you to spew lava balls with every flap of your wings. Tap to fly. Avoid enemies, spik...

Lava Maze

This app will teach young children basic directions in the form of a fun maze type game which the whole family can enjoy. Compete to see who can get t...

Lava Leap

You play as a brave water droplet which has unwittingly found its way into a harsh and treacherous volcanic environment. In order to survive you must ...


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Best games were made in the eighties, so here is the sport game from the golden era!Do you still remember how you used to ruin your joysticks on these...

單車 公路車 運動 鐵人三項

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單車 公路車 運動 鐵人三項
