本展源自1987年首度辦理的「台北建材大展」。2003年起先後辦理9屆「台灣建築論壇」,成效甚佳。2014年展覽定於12月11~14日一共4天,在台北世貿中心展覽一、三館舉行,並續辦「第十屆台灣建築論壇」,效果可期,敬邀共襄盛舉。一、 展覽時程:進場時間:2014年12月9日、10日。展出時間:20...
本展源自1987年首度辦理的「台北建材大展」。2003年起先後辦理9屆「台灣建築論壇」,成效甚佳。2014年展覽定於12月11~14日一共4天,在台北世貿中心展覽一、三館舉行,並續辦「第十屆台灣建築論壇」,效果可期,敬邀共襄盛舉。一、 展覽時程:進場時間:2014年12月9日、10日。展出時間:20...
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With APG SGA's “PosterFinder” smartphone app, you can locate your preferred poster site in just a few easy steps. The panels can be queried by enterin...
Always stay one step ahead of the property rental market in Ramsgate and the surrounding areas of Thanet with the Lets 11 app.Use it to get in touch w...
Finally an easy to use, all in one app that let's you create professional looking posters instantly!Forget about old fashion software that limited you...
Poster is a cloud-based Point-of-sale system for cafés and restaurants. It has intuitive interface, setup takes less than 15 minutes and it is cheaper...
This eBook articulates about Poste Haste Freight Management Systems. Poste Haste is specialized Freight Management System for over 100 companies. Post...
With the Kenya Yellow Pages application a user will have access to the most complete and updated list of business and residential contacts of Kenya. W...