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The American Express Serve® App makes it easy to: - Add money to your Account from your bank account, credit or debit card[1] - Access your Direct Dep...


The American Express Serve® App makes it easy to: • Add money to your Account from your bank account, credit or debit card¹• Access your Direct Deposi...


Servizio is your one stop app for all your needs when performing work away from the office. Servizio allows you to perform service patrol, capture ima...

Tennis Serving

This program is for serious tennis players looking to learn or improve their serving ability. The first few levels of this program will introduce and ...


腾讯微博Android版是腾讯公司专为Android平台打造的微博手机客户端软件。只要您拥有QQ账号,即可轻松登陆微博,将140字的人生感悟随时随地与好友分享,记录生活点滴、传递温暖、分享喜悦。本软件支持Android 2.3.3及以上系统版本。V6.0 更新特性:1、微博推荐列表,根据你的兴趣智能...


我来了,绝不只是来看风景. 眼前的城,终将变成我的领地. 要征服的不仅是敌人,还有无限的忠诚. 我来了!我看见!我征服! 点将破千城,划地拓疆土,追敌十万里,斩首千万级. 心无霸气,无以破千城.胸无大志,何以言天下! 我的王朝,四季同在,我的江山,千城映月,我的天下,无限荣光. 最后一城就在眼前,你...


8月28-9月4日获奖者名单(YY号,为用户信息保密,后3位星号表示,请获奖者用户注意查看用户反馈回复): 一等奖1000元红包:1113057*** 二等奖500元红包:173315***、986973*** 三等奖100元红包:141295***、419406***、1109706***、209...