Aplicación para conectar tu dispositivo Android con un modulo de Bluetooth Hc-05/06.Conectividad: los módulos dejaran de lanzar la luz y se quedará es...
Aplicación para conectar tu dispositivo Android con un modulo de Bluetooth Hc-05/06.Conectividad: los módulos dejaran de lanzar la luz y se quedará es...
* 블루투스를 이용하여 간편하고 빠르게 스마트폰, 노트북, PC로 파일전송을 해보세요.* 전체 기능 및 특징1) 심플하고 알기쉬운 인터페이스2) Bluetooth Profile(Object Push Profile)를 이용한 파일전송*여러분의 리뷰 한마디가 기능개선에 많...
AdDroid Sample 2Snake with AdDroid ad integrated.AdDroid (previously called AdShare) is a service for Android developers to help each other promote th...
This is a demo for the android-pdfview library. Source code of the library and the sample is available here:
Implementation of in-layout notifications. Based on Toast notifications and article The making of Prixing #4: in-layout notifications by Cyril Mottier...
Пример простого приложения, разработанного на мобильной платформе 1С 8.3.5.---------------Уважаемые пользователи! 1.Эта программа только для тестирова...
*** Proof-of-concept application *** It connects to a RM CANlink Bluetooth and displays the received CAN messages in a list view.Hint:The "Dashboard" ...
This application demonstrates the features of the Experimental Android Bluetooth API. Check it out at: This...
This application demonstrates the features of the Experimental Android Bluetooth API. Check it out at: ...