《玄秦记》以Unity 3D引擎打造,采用独特的多角色控制系統,上百种绚丽的装备和技能任您随意搭配,灵兽养成无限惊喜。更有攻城战、逐鹿中原、挑战世界BOSS等战斗系统,让您体验前所未有的游戏乐趣和战斗快感!精致细腻的古典画风,动听悦耳的背景音乐,带您穿越到灭六国一统天下的大秦王朝,由天命加身的您挺身...
电子书 - 寻秦记书籍介绍: 《寻秦记》故事开始说男主角“项少龙”是一名二十一世纪的特殊部队战士,在接到半强迫式命令下,成了时空转移的实验品,就这样的阴差阳错,项少龙因其实验的失败而由二十一世纪来到了公元前251年(秦始皇即位前五年)桑林村…… 战国时代,风起云涌,是中国历史上最浪漫的时代之一。而“...
A yummy dumpling maker game just for KIDS! Learn all about chinese culture and find treasures inside your dumpling! ROLL out the dough! CHOOSE your in...
Your Bayford app allows you to access the following on the go. **Learn about the Bayford Dealership **You can save your vehicle information in My Car....
The My Customer Privileges is Now you can grab discounts on the run .Get exclusive, member-only deals from an extensive range of shopping, dining, lei...
AWU Tasmania's Mobile Application allows you to access the following on the go.**Know about the AW Union and join the AWU Tasmania team and get th...
TWU's Mobile Application allows you to access the following on the go. **Know about the TWU Union and join the TWU team and get your card **You ca...
My Rewards members in Hong Kong can use this app to get the latest news on social events, offers, perks and discounts on the go. This app is for My Re...